Our new story trailer is live! The good folks at IGN were first to post the video yesterday! We really hope you'll enjoy exploring the story of Lake Ridden when we release the game next year! This is a sneak peek of what's to come, we're just super excited to share it with you! Please…
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Hey friends, welcome back to our developer blog! We have some awesome news to share with you today. Starting next week on Thursday, you'll be able to play a demo of Lake Ridden at the EGX event, in Birmingham! The event is Europe's largest consumer event for English speaking gamers! We're super excited to have…
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Hello everybody, how're you doing? At Midnight Hub we're right now working towards exhibiting a Lake Ridden demo at the EGX expo in Birmingham, during the 21st to 24th of September! We'll have a never before seen part of the game for the press, as well as a mystic area for gamers to come and…
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Hi everybody! We're back from our summer vacations, hard at work with Lake Ridden again! Here's an interview about the game that we gave on Gameumentary a few days ago! They make in-depth interviews and are now looking to launch a series of game documentaries! Before going on vacation we conducted everyone's Performance Coaching Reviews, to see…
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Yo guys, what's up? It's time for us to head out on a well-deserved vacation, but before we go, I want to share some awesome news with you! The game is coming along fine, and during the last weeks, we've started preparations for...exhibiting Lake Ridden live at the EGX expo in Birmingham this September!! This event…
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Hey guys what's up? With summer vacations approaching we're trying to squeeze in some work on the game before it's time to get some well-deserved time with friends and family. In this blog post, we'll talk a bit about puzzles in games, and how we approach building puzzles into Lake Ridden. To avoid spoiling any…
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Hi friends, what's up? Here at the Midnight Hub office, we're hard at work with the latest version of Lake Ridden. The game is coming along fine. It's hard to believe we've been working on this project for almost 1,5 years by now. We've really tightened up the focus of the game lately, what we…
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What's up? Nordic Game Conference is over for this year. We exhibited Lake Ridden during Friday, aka the "Discovery Day", which was awesome! We had rented a booth where we brought our roll-up, monitors, and computers. So many fantastic conference goers showed up to try the alpha demo! We never imagined the interest for our…
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Hello guys! What's up? Here at the Midnight Hub we're hard at work on a brand new part of the Lake Ridden demo that we'll exhibit at the upcoming Nordic Game Conference! The NGC is a yearly event, one of Europe's biggest game developer conferences. The best part is that since it's located in Malmö we…
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Hey, welcome back to our developer blog! In this post, we'll talk about how we create GIFs for our game Lake Ridden. As the person in charge of our marketing assets here at Midnight Hub I'll walk you through our current process for creating crisp and catchy GIFs; which tools we use, as well as…
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