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Lake Ridden Turns Two Years!

By 2020-06-30October 20th, 2020Dev Blog

Hi all,

Long time no see! Lake Ridden turned two years last month, and we’re celebrating by offering our game on a 75% discount on the Steam Summer Sale. Grab it now, or send the link to a friend you think would appreciate a cozy ghost story filled with brain-teasing puzzles.

It’s hard to think it’s now more than two years since we shipped Midnight Hub’s first game, it really feels like time has flown by. We have truly appreciated each and every comment, feedback and review we’ve gotten so far. Every review of our game means a difference to this small team.

This January we released Lake Ridden on Xbox, after almost a year of hard work to port it for the console. We’re really happy to see so many new players finding their way to our game and sharing it with their friends. Releasing on Xbox has made a big difference to us, and it helped to set us on a new path. Huge thanks to everybody who’ve believed in us so far < 3

Sara, Erik & Johan