As the creative director of Midnight Hub, I’m not only responsible for all code in the game, but also the game design and story. In this post, I hope to convey the way that we are designing Lake Ridden and how that might differ from other projects. Being such a small team gives us a…
There is a Russian proverb saying: ”If you chase two rabbits, you’ll catch neither”, meaning focus is key to success. Concentrate on conquering one task at a time, instead of running all over the place, especially since multitasking has time and time again proven to actually make us less efficient. In this post I’ll share…
An example of concept art for a “hero prop”. This was actually the art test we sent some of the artist applying for the internship at Midnight Hub. Each enlarged item tells a story and shows that there is a thought out idea behind the prop. A few weeks back I found all of my…
A quick screenshot of our manuscript editor, note that there are just a action flow and no data inputs. I’m a programmer and for me it has always been natural to build progression in game using code. For Lake Ridden, since I’m also in charge of design and story, I decided to make a manuscript…
The art of lake Ridden is made in Maya and Photoshop, brought to life by Unity. I’m Erik, the art director of Lake Ridden at Midnight Hub. In this developer blog post I’ll talk a few words about why we decided to go with a more stylized look for our game, as opposed to a…
For the past years I have applied for a fair share of jobs in the games industry, as well as been sitting on the other end of the table, judging CVs and browsing links to portfolios (both situations are equally challenging but in completely different ways!). Malin Hedström at Arrowhead Games recently published a great…
Quick question: how many post-its does it take to finish up the pre-production for a new indie game? Well, a lot, as it turns out! At the core of all game development projects you can be sure to find a)tons of post-its and b)huge quantities of coffee (or tea). Team Midnight Hub definitely runs on…
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