Hi all, welcome back to our developer blog! We’ll be displaying Lake Ridden in San Francisco, at GDC in March! We don’t have a booth, but we’ll have a cozy meeting point just around the corner of the conference center instead. We’ll be displaying the game to other developers, to journalists and some really cool people. If you want to give the game a go, drop me an email over at: contact@midnighthub.com! Last year we got so much awesome feedback. Journalists from PC Gamer, Rock Paper Shotgun and Polygon showed up to try the early demo, which was huge for us <3

The Gate in Lake Ridden. What lies beyond the gate and where does it lead?

Explore the mystery of the old Estate and discover forgotten secrets!

It’s now a year since we transformed Lake Ridden from a story-driven horror to a puzzle-filled adventure game with strong story-elements!
Last week we got interviewed by Red Bull Gaming! They wrote a very nice piece about how we took Lake Ridden from “horror” and transformed it into an adventure game instead! You can read the article in full by clicking here. Going from making a horror game to a puzzle-filled adventure was no easy choice, but it’s now a year since we made the decision, and we truly think it was the right move for both the studio and the game!

From our voice recording a few weeks ago! The very talented Anna Nolan flew in from London to work with us in our very make do recoding studio : )