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What’s up? The holidays are over and the studio is back to work on Lake Ridden! It’s now 2018, which means our game will finally be released this year! Hard to believe, it feels as if we just started work on the game…Time truly flies! Let’s kick this year off with some exciting news; Lake Ridden will be playable at EGX Rezzed in London this spring!

If you’re heading to London this April, make sure to drop by and try the game hands-on. If you’re press and want to meet up, just drop an email to: and we’ll be happy to set something up! Last year’s EGX was a huge success for us, and this time we’ll be having more content, a bigger booth, and more fun!

Stay tuned for more info about where exactly our booth will be located. Hope to see you in London!

– Sara & the Lake Ridden team